The Expresso

Expressing yourself is a daily routine! Don't forget to do it!

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Mean Girls

I have these girls at school that act like their my friends. They spread rumors about me and my friend. I hate it,they just sit there and act like my friend. Then,when one of the nice one leaves they start to be mean. How many of you had a bully pick on you? The teacher handles it but,it just starts back up. Soon it starts up again,then you get mad and use words that hurt other people. Instead of them getting in trouble you do. How many of you have had the teacher take it out on you? The next day they sit in their spot and make fun or you! You do it back the teacher catches you but not her. It's so annoying!?


Blogger ellen said...

Mean girls usually grow up to be mean women, so don't let them suck you down to their level. Keep your dignity and class, so that years from now, when you remember your unpleasant encounters with those girls, you can be proud of how you handled yourself.

7:59 PM  
Blogger ginger said...

Aubree, I think almost all of us have been where you are. There are always going to be mean girls and boys who like to pick on people. Sometimes they are jealous. Sometimes they feel bad about themselves and feel better when they make fun of others.

Just remember that you are better than that; eventually they will realize that they have lost many friends from being so mean.

I'm a high school teacher, so I see things like this sometimes, but not as much as an elementary, middle or junior high teacher. It will get better, I promise. Just hold your head high, blog about it, and we'll give you tons of love.

8:48 PM  
Blogger [s] said...

Mean girls SUCK. But, take it from an old(er) lady, don't let it get to you. I learned a long time ago that those people will never be important in my life, and I live a lot better life that way!

Congratulations on your first blog, girlie! Welcome to our world!

6:43 AM  
Blogger T.Marie said...

Mean people are on my list of things I hate. And girls seem to have a special 'talent' at being extra mean. I got picked on by mean girls a lot when I was your age and I know it's hard. But like you've already been told, it gets better. My daughter is in college now and she says that the kids there just don't seem to pick on each other like that once you get older. Of course there are still mean people in the world even when you're grown up like me. But they don't 'group' together like they do when you're in school. Hang in there and don't let them make you feel bad.

4:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey--this is Gladys. I read about your blog over on your dad's blog.

I got picked on when I was your age too. It really hurts, doesn't it?? I know I used to cry about it all the time. Funny thing, though--it made me a more-compassionate person when I got older, when I saw my own students going through the same thing and knew how they felt.

Also--I went to my grade-school reunion a couple of months ago, and you know what?? Some of those mean girls had actually grown up to be reasonably nice people. (There were two who were still total witches, though. But from them, I wouldn't have expected anything different, even 20 years later--they were the MEANEST of the mean!!)

Teachers aren't always right. (You might not wanna repeat this around your dad, though! :) ) Sometimes the teachers don't see what's going on; other times, they SEE it, but they don't want to DEAL with it. I had a few teachers like that, and I never forgot how unfair it was.

I'd like to tell you it gets better soon, but I don't wanna be one of those grownups who lie. It kinda stays this way for a while. It WILL change, eventually, but in the meantime all you can do is just hang in there and remember: people like that aren't even worth your energy.

Keep writing! You're good!

4:20 PM  

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